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Mr. Jonathan TCHABOU is a young attorney trained in Private Law in the specialties of sports litigation, labor litigation and social security. He holds a Master II degree from the University of Yaoundé II. Having completed a training period at the National Union of Cameroonian Footballers (Yaoundé office), he became more familiar with sports law, which he is passionate about. He also did several other internships in Cameroonian companies including the Caisse Nationale de Prévoyance Sociale (CNPS) in the legal affairs and litigation department, the Conciliation and Arbitration Chamber of the National Olympic and Sports Committee of Cameroon (CCA- CNOSC), the company KANA BATI BTP in the legal affairs department and law firms.
Thus, in addition to the general legal skills acquired during his university years, Jonathan TCHABOU has other skills in labor law, debt collection, business law, tax law, trade union law and sports law.
He is fluent in French and speaks English professionally.

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