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Gislain Grégory TSASSE SAHA


Gislain Grégory TSASSE SAHA holds a Ph.D. in Private Law from the University of Yaoundé II (Cameroon) in February 2012. Since then, he has been teaching labor and social security law, international labor law, trade union law and intellectual property law.

Member of several learned societies in Cameroon, he participated in 2016 in the drafting of an “Intellectual Property Guide for SMEs” for the Cameroonian Ministry of Mines, Industry and Technological Development (MINIMEDT). He was also a consultant in the project of rereading and revision of the protocol governing local staff of the Cameroon/European Union cooperation between March and April 2017.

He is also the Editor-in-Chief of the Cameroonian journal of sports law created by Me Jean Jacques NOUYADJAM. 

He is fluent in French and speaks English professionally.

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